Advice needed for ARMY medical issue...|Medizin|Forum|Basketball Co@ches Corner

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Advice needed for ARMY medical issue...
27. Juni 2018
Forumsbeiträge: 4
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20. Juni 2018
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I know we have both military and physicians here, so I'm hoping for some informed direction... Keeping details to a minimum.. My child is in the US Army and has a function limiting orthopedic problem which needs surgery very soon. While this began overseas the concern is now here in the states. The problem is uncommon, so there are few experts in dealing with this problem.As with any organization I'm sure there are fabulous surgeons along with some that are not so much, especially when dealing with an uncommon problem.Is there any way, as a soldier in the Army, to ensure you have the best surgeon for the job? Or, possibly get a referral to a civilian surgeon? My child will be pursuing this on their own and I want to provide whatever guidance I can to ensure a positive outcome.

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Thank you

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