Is Chiropractic Medicine mumbo jumbo?|Medizin|Forum|Basketball Co@ches Corner

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Is Chiropractic Medicine mumbo jumbo?
27. Juni 2018
Forumsbeiträge: 4
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20. Juni 2018
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At 6 5', I have challenges finding ergonomic tables and chairs either in the office or at home. A fall out from this is upper back pain which flairs up from time to time. Nothing serious. Just discomfort. I visited a chiropractor some 5yrs ago and after 2 sessions decided its more b.s. pseudo science than worth my time. I felt no relieve and was scared all the manipulations might end up doing more harm than good. My wife forced me to see one this week and I was reminded of the my prior experience. A lot of theater and mumbo jumbo that made no sense to me. What finally riled me up was a recommendation for injections (a supposedly natural product) to ease my "tense" muscles. The price tag of $2,700 for a 8week session made the decision easier?I decided to get off the couch and work out! Strengthening my back muscles by lifting weights and running should help. Whats the general opinion of BH to chiropractors? Why are they so popular? Is it regulated?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Thank you

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